Why the Juniper Tree? The juniper tree is a fabled symbol of a great journey, of having taken many twists and turns, yet being capable of staying true to oneself
Like the Juniper tree, life has many twists and turns, some of them amazing, some of them challenging. As we travel
on this great journey of life, we sometimes need support to reconnect with the parts of ourselves that may have
been lost or get to know the parts that have changed along the way.
At Juniper Tree Counseling we can be a guide along your journey toward your true self. We help you examine the patterns and beliefs that are no longer serving you and uncover the joys and growth that come from that process.
We work together to identify the root causes of anxiety and unhappiness, learning to cope and being open to change.
When you come to Juniper Tree Counseling for individual therapy, you will be welcomed with compassion in a place where it is safe to express and explore all feelings and parts.
To hold space and give grace to our imperfect humanity
To embrace vulnerability and allow ourselves to be truly seen within healthy relationships
To face our fears and bravely process our relational, developmental, and traumatic experiences so that they no longer control our choices and emotions
To be clear in our boundaries, our goals and our hopes